INTECO TC performs well repair and insulation works including protective casing since 2012. We use the most advanced technologies, equipment and materials of leading world manufactures.
The service direction of INTECO TC LLC is a complex provision of services, including:
- Laboratory tests of fluids under API standards;
- Repair and insulation works;
- Casing and liner cementing;
- Placing of cement plug;
- Provision of packer equipment and engineering support for hydraulic fracturing;
- Provision of well-control equipment for hydraulic fracturing.
Highly qualified personnel of the Company with substantial work experience can address any engineering task in well packing and provide engineering support for the downhole equipment.
- CHANDLER laboratory test technologies;
- Cement mixing technologies;
- Preparation of light weighted cementing slurry technologies;
- Cementing slurry injection technology;
- Hydraulic fracturing without packer retrieval technology;
- Equipment engineering support technology.
INTECO TC operates in Russia, CIS countries and the Middle East.